Warren schools offer a variety of clubs throughout the school year. Watch school newsletters throughout the year for upcoming activities.

Math Bowl is a math competition program through the Indiana Association of School Principals. Fourth grade students will practice for a seven round regional problem-solving competition. Students will practice all standards of math and compete as a team in the competition.

FYI News Team is comprised of thirty talented and responsible fourth grade students. The students gather information and develop news items to use each morning on the morning news program that is filmed live for the whole school. Additionally, they create and air short videos that pertain to Eastridge's interests and needs.

Student Council is made up of 3rd and 4th grade students who have been nominated by their teacher and classmates. During the year, Student Council has many projects that serve not only the school but benefit the community. Projects include a canned food drive for a local food pantry and shoeboxes of goodies to children in other countries. Monthly popcorn sales help to finance additional activities throughout the year.

The Noteables is a group of 65 third and fourth grade students that learn about music by singing in an ensemble. Performance include Washington Square Mall and the Warren Performing Arts Center.

Choir Chimes, Science Bowl, Spell Bowl, Crazy 8 Math Club, Tutoring, K Homework Club, Art Club, Student Ambassadors, Fuel Up To Play 60 Team and Walking Club have also been started at Eastridge.